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Calcul de la position des planΦtes .
Le programme SERIES est traduit en PASCAL .
Les fichiers originaux des sΘries ont ΘtΘ modifiΘs afin de permettre leur
accΦs en PASCAL :
- Un zΘro est ajoutΘ aprΦs le point dΘcimal.
- Un espace est ajoutΘ pour sΘparer deux champs contigus.
- Pour les distinguer ces fichiers sont renommΘs SERIE96P.xxx
Description originale du catalogue :
VI/87 Planetary Ephemerides (Chapront+ 1996)
Ephemerides of planets between 1900 and 2100
Chapront J., Francou G.
<Bureau des Longitudes, Group : Dynamics of Solar System (1996)>
ADC_Keywords: Ephemerides
Keywords: planets - ephemerides - celestial mechanics
Planetary motions have been represented with series resulting of
an approximation by frequency analysis of JPL numerical
integration DE403.
Series represent the heliocentric coordinates of planets as
functions of time between 1900 and 2100 for the 9 bodies :
Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon Barycenter, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The method allows to compute planetary ephemerides with the aid
of compact tables and keeps accuracy of published ephemerides.
Authors' Address:
J. Chapront, G. Francou
Bureau des Longitudes
Group : Dynamics of Solar System
77, avenue Denfert-Rochereau
F-75014 Paris - France
E-mail : jchapron@bdl.fr francou@bdl.fr
Phone : (33) 1 40 51 22 71 (33) 1 40 51 22 60
Fax : (33) 1 46 33 28 34
The presentation of the series is given in file series96.doc. The
planetary series are in files series96.xxx (one file per planet).
A Fortran subroutine series96.sub (96.12) uses the series for
computing the heliocentric rectangular coordinates of planets. A
Fortran program series96.f is provided to illustrate the use of the
series in the case of the computation of astrometric coordinates.
An executable DOS program, planeph.exe, allows to compute the
most usual planetary ephemerides with the series between 1900
to 2100. The file planeph.doc gives explanations for using
this program with the data sets planeph.tab and planeph.loc.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
series96.doc 79 522 Notice for the use of the series.
series96.mer 39 14764 Series values for Mercury
series96.ven 39 5077 Series values for Venus
series96.emb 39 3810 Series values for Earth-Moon barycenter
series96.mar 39 3378 Series values for Mars
series96.jup 39 662 Series values for Jupiter
series96.sat 39 578 Series values for Saturn
series96.ura 39 438 Series values for Uranus
series96.nep 39 422 Series values for Neptune
series96.plu 39 442 Series values for Pluto
series96.sub 72 271 Fortran77 subroutine for the use of the series
series96.f 72 620 Fortran77 program (astrometric coordinates)
planeph.doc 129 754 Notice for the use of the program planeph.exe
planeph.exe 512 678 *Executable program (DOS)
planeph.loc 512 1841 *Locations coordinates (used by planeph.exe)
planeph.tab 512 945 *Planetary tables (used by planeph.exe)
Note on planeph.exe, planeph.loc, planeph.tab:
These are binary files which can be used only on DOS systems.
They must be copied in BINARY mode !
See also:
VI/66 : Precession Formulae and Mean Elements for Moon and Planets
(Simon et al., 1994)
VI/79 : Lunar Solution ELP 2000-82B (Chapront-Touze+, 1988)
VI/81 : Planetary Solutions VSOP87 (Bretagnon+, 1988)
VI/88 : Ephemerides of Pluto based on DE200 (Chapront+ 1995)
J/A+AS/109/181 : Ephemerides of outer planets (Chapront 1995)
Bretagnon P., Francou G., 1988, A&A 202, 309 (1988A&A...202..309B)
Chapront J., 1995, A&AS 109, 181 (1995A&AS..109..181C)
Simon J.L., Bretagnon P., Chapront J., Chapront-Touze M., Francou G.,
Laskar J., 1994, A&A 282, 663 (1994A&A...282..663S)
(End) G. Francou [BDL], F. Ochsenbein [CDS] 28-Jan-1997